英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-19 22:18:56
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. detector that gives a signal when it detects the presence of metal
used to detect the presence of stray bits of metal in food products or to find buried metal

1. metal detector

1. 属探测器:打开阳台门,在护栏上发现血样.查看一下房屋其它地方,打个电话.我们要找的是一个防辐射的地下掩体,所以调成3档.一路小跑到后院灰白色的铁桶那.鼠标变成可探测状态取出金属探测器(metal detector)探测,很快就发现异常.一脚踢开铁桶,

2. 金属检测仪:检片机 tablet detector | 金属检测仪 metal detector | 冻力仪 bloom tester

3. metal detector

3. (机场安检处)金属探测器:10: maneuver 大型战术训练演习 | 11: mass rescue 大规模救援 | 12: metal detector (机场安检处)金属探测器

Answer these questions and find the right metal detector for the right money.(回答这些问题,找到适合自己的探测器、适中的价格。)
Excuse me, Sir. Please walk through the metal detector.(对不起,先生,请走过金属。)
Then you should remove metal objects from your pockets and walk through a metal detector.(然后你得取出口袋中的金属物,走过金属探测器。)
A man in the U. K. found buried gold worth millions with a metal detector.(英国的一个男子通过金属探测器发现了埋藏在地底下价值几百万的黄金。)
Sorry, but you have to go through the metal detector again.(对不起,您必须再过一次金属探测器。)
Please set down your belongings and step through the metal detector/security gate.(请您拿出随身物品,并通过金属探测器/安检门。)
Inspect the stock (or better yet, use a metal detector) before cutting.(在切割之前,检查一下木材,保险起见,最好使用金属探测器检查。)
The metal detector consists of transmitter unit and receiver unit.(该金属探测仪主要由发射机单元和接收机单元组成。)
Excuse me, I have cardiac pacemaker, so I can't go through the metal detector.(对不起,我有心脏起博器,不能过安全门。)
Easy Ways to Get Rich: Unearth gold with a metal detector.(轻松致富方式13:地下探测掘金子。)
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